Kaliurang is a tourist place situated in Sleman, Yogyakarta. Ground located at an altitude of ± 878 m above sea level took place in the south of Mount Merapi, or about 25 km from the city of Yogyakarta. The air is cool, between 20 ° -25 ° C,
Places - points of interest that exist in the area of Kaliurang attractions include:
Bemain Park Children
Play Park has an area of about 10,000 m² are equipped with facilities such as swings, garden, car - toy for children, teeter - running, and so forth.
Princess Tlogo
Swimming pool with natural water sources from the slopes of Mount Plawangan.
Substation Overview
Look substation located on the edge of the famous Kali Boyong because hot clouds affected in 1994. Mount Merapi can be seen clearly by eye in the morning. By the afternoon of Mount Merapi is covered by fog so that visitors can not see Mount Merapi.
Wisma Kaliurang
Wisma Kaliurang is a historic building, which occurred Special Negotiations between the Republic of Indonesia with the Three Nation Commission on January 13, 1948. These negotiations gave birth Minutes Kaliurang Ground. Republic of Indonesia represented by President Soekarno, Vice President Moh Hatta, AM Syahrir and General Sudirman. While the Dutch delegation was represented by Paul Van Zeelan (Belgium), Richard Kirby (Ausralia), and Dr. Frank Graham (USA). In the negotiations, Frank Graham say the popular phrase, namely "You are what you are from bullets to the ballots."
At the beginning of the 19th century, a Dutch geologist who lives in Yogyakarta, i
The trip to Kaliurang from the direction of Yogyakarta will remind us of landscape painting while still in kindergarten. A mountain with a road in the middle and the green expanse that stretches on both sides are decorated with people's houses, would eliminate fatigue in the frame of nature painting.
Covered with the breeze, even when the sun directly overhead, the coolness is still felt. The air is dancing through the trees and down with supple, fresh flavor when it hits the body.
Views of Mount Merapi give sensation in this region. Just as a village girl who shut their face when we deliberately considered, this mountain will be covered with fog as if ashamed when we come to see.
Along the west side of Bukit Plawangan as 1,100 meters, traveling cross country, through a dirt road flanked by trees and lush slopes, a row of 22 cave relics of Japan became one of the unique natural attractions Ground.
In addition to its natural beauty, Kaliurang also has some heritage buildings. Among them are House Kaliurang and Pesanggrahan Ngeksigondo Dalem's Sultan Palace that used as the venue for the Three Nation Commission. Or Ullen Sentalu that part of the building is below ground. This museum reveals the mysteries of culture and values of Javanese history, especially relating to the daughter of Sultan of Yogyakarta and Surakarta in the 19th century.
Before you leave make sure to bring souvenirs are sold. Starting from the fruits of local farmers to food production that is typical sweet, marinated tofu and tempeh and misbegotten (food made from glutinous rice and grated coconut) with cheap price many sellers sold there. Come to the Ground.