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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

day trips to the city of Maluku Indonesia

Tourist Attraction In Maluku
Maluku is a province in eastern Indonesia and has the potential of tourism is very attractive to tourists in a vacat
ion destination or overseas. Many attractions and Maluku province are very very impressive ..

Maluku cities have always been interesting to visit, spice-producing areas since ancient times have recognized the natural attraction. Maluku province consists of hundreds of islands. So Maluku has a unique panorama is very beautiful in every island, so invite lots of local tourists or foreign tourists to visit. Besides its natural attractions, many available building relics of the colonial era that the main attraction for wisatwan and everything it can still be maintained well until now.

This multiple lists attractions and places of leisure interest in Maluku:

Tourist beaches in Maluku:
Natsepa Beach, Ambon, on Ambon Hunimoa Beach, Beach Ngur Sarnadan (Pasir Panjang) in Kai, Hatuurang Beach, Beach Soplessy in Seram, Coast Lokki in Seram, Coast Englas in Seram, Ambon Gate City, Beach and Beach Latuhalat Kobisadar in Ambon

History Tours in Maluku:
* Fortress Duurstede, Saparua
* Fort Amsterdam, Ambon
* Fort Victoria, Ambon
* Banda Neira, Banda
* Fort Belgica, Banda
* Fortress Titaley, Ceram

Nature Tourism embarrassment:
* Cape Marthafons, Ambon

* Manusela National Park, Seram
* Waterfall Waihetu, Rumahkay, Ceram

Beautiful Moluccan islands
* Pulau Pombo
* Three Island
* Island Luciapara
* Pulau Ay, Run and Rozengain (Hatta), Banda Islands
* Long Island, Island and Island Lulpus Garogos
* Weluan, Kep. Tanimbar

* Pulau Bais

Goa Tourism embarrassment:
* Cave Lusiala, Ceram
* Cave Forest Kartenes
* Goa Akohy in Tamilouw, Ceram
and also many others.